Welcome to The Interfaith Observer Resource
The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at Seattle University is grateful for the opportunity to partner with the premier interreligious and intercultural independent digital publication of its kind, The Interfaith Observer, or TIO for short.
TIO is trusted and read around the world. It is founded by Paul Chaffee, a respected luminary in the field for decades, and is managed in the creative leadership of both Megan Anderson and Tahil Sharma as Co-Editors. TIO provides historical perspectives, surveys current interfaith news, profiles major stakeholders, and otherwise provides maps and sign-posts for the different sectors of an emerging interfaith culture. It offers a context to explore and respond to the new religious world we live in. TIO is designed as a resource for the general reader, anyone interested in the subject. But articles are filled with references and links for those who wish to pursue a particular subject.