
Allies matter in every area of our lives.

These are many of the colleagues who align themselves to the work of the Religica Theolab at the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement.  Allies hail from local communities to the United Nations, among other agencies.  Click on many of the faces of leaders below, and hear them reflect on their stories.

Would you like to become an ally?  Contact us at

Click on the images or names to listen to some of our Allies’ voices

Danny Weiner
Temple de Hirsch Sinai

David Brenner
Al and Faith

Kehkashan Basu
Green Hope Foundation

Jessica Zimmerle
Earth Ministry

Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi
Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

Mary Evelyn Tucker & John Grim
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Vicki Garlock
Faith Seeker Kids

Maurice Bloem
Church World Service

Dennis Frado
Lutheran World Federation

Megan Anderson
The Interfaith Observer

Pastor Bryon Hansen
Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church

Valeria Vergani
Interspiritual Sustainability Council

Rabbi Kate SpeizerKate Speizer
Temple de Hirsch Sinai

Raz Mason
CO2 Foundation

Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa Sak
U.S. Zen Institute

Elizabeth Sink
Ft. Collins Interfaith Council

Daisy Khan
Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality

Bruce Knotts
Unitarian Universalist Association Office, UN

Freddie Helmiere
Spiritual Directors Int’l

Iyad Abumoghli
UN Environment

Tony Kireopoulos
National Council Churches

Jason Frelot
Kids and RACE

Rev. Dr. Larry Greenfield
Parliament of the World’s Religions

Sayyid M. Syeed
Islamic Society of North America

Julie Hutson
Luther Memorial

Alon Goshen-Gottstein
The Elijah Interfaith Institute

Victor Kazanjian
United Religions Initiative

John Hale
Call of Compassion NW


Click on the logos to learn more about our Allies

Temple de Hirsch Sinai Logo

Ai and Faith Logo

UN Environment Logo

Phinney Ridge Lutheran logo

Lutheran World Federation logo

Faith Seeker Kids Logo

CWS Logo


Islamic Society of North America Logo

Parliament of the World's Religions Logo

InterSpiritual Sustainability Council Logo

Call of Compassion NW Logo

Global Ministries University

Elijah Institute Logo

CO2 Foundation Logo

The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

The Interfaith Observer Logo

Northwest Washington Synod

Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality & Equality logo

UU United Nations Office Logo

SDI World Logo

US Zen Institute Logo

Fort Collins Interfaith Council

Luther Memorial Lutheran Church

American Buddhist Cultural SocietyAmerican Buddhist Cultural Society

Earth Ministry

United Religions Initiative Logo