The Religica platform is like a living iris, where all windows (blogs, news, podcasts, and more) regularly focus in unison on a specific topic or theme. Spotlight will provide ready-bench resources for individuals and local communities who experience a shared need or crisis. Religious and spiritual leaders are always at the frontline of a school shooting, or are witness to the rise of hate speech and discrimination, and we desire to assist this effort in the months ahead. As we develop these areas, our Religica Spotlight will focus on the complex narrative of how religious and spiritual communities welcome those with special needs. We will spotlight first-hand interviews, podcasts on the theme, blog reflections, newsworthy items, and resources from everywhere we can find.
Summer 2019 Spotlight
The Religica Team will spotlight using first-hand accounts and resources on assisting those with special needs within religious and spiritually minded communities.
Summer 2019 Spotlight
In a time of the #MeToo movement and how we understand changes in power and gender relations, these four leaders speak about the world and their views of specific events in a manner that encourages deeper thought and analysis from all of us. Their perspectives are embodied in the leadership of four professionals who recognize the need for voices that are both strong and nimble related to the current challenges facing the world. There are questions to be asked, and ideas to be considered. And they bring it. Take a listen.
Coming This Fall
The Religica Team will spotlight using first-hand accounts and resources on science and religion.