Dr. Nancy Snow is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing at the University of Oklahoma. She was co-Director of The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project, a $2.6 million research initiative on the moral self, and is currently the Principal Investigator of The Self, Virtue, and Public Life Project, a $3.9 million research initiative. She is the author of more than forty-five papers on virtue and ethic and is currently writing monographs on hope, and virtue ethics, and virtue epistemology.
In this episode, Dr. Snow and Religica Theolab Founder Dr. Michael Reid Trice discuss civic friendship, moral repair, and the importance of creativity. Take a listen!
“Don’t talk about healing unless you are going to truly address the issues of harm, wrongdoing, and woundedness through which people live.” – Dr. Nancy Snow